Great art should come from the harmony of two lines. ~ Arthur Wesley Dow

I have always loved to photograph lines. Fence lines. Porch lines. Rows of anything. When I did this art project with my boys, I acquired an even deeper appreciation for lines and how our world is made up of line after line. A few weeks ago I was walking with my family on a trail in the mountains, and perhaps they only saw the pine trees, but I saw the trees, the light, the raindrops, and the lines. It added up to a beautiful moment, and I wanted to capture it just right, but I wasn’t sure I could. But I did. When I downloaded my photographs later that night, this one stood out as my favorite.

4 Responses to “A Celebration of Lines”

  1. mv71

    very cool…what always catches my eye is when your driving past a wooded area (that had been clear cut and replanted) and you get to just the right angle and notice all the trees are lined up perfectly.



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